Install component
import { CardSpotlight } from "@/components/ui/card-spotlight"; export function CardSpotlightDemo() { return ( <CardSpotlight className="h-96 w-96"> <p className="text-xl font-bold relative z-20 mt-2 text-white"> Authentication steps </p> <div className="text-neutral-200 mt-4 relative z-20"> Follow these steps to secure your account: <ul className="list-none mt-2"> <Step title="Enter your email address" /> <Step title="Create a strong password" /> <Step title="Set up two-factor authentication" /> <Step title="Verify your identity" /> </ul> </div> <p className="text-neutral-300 mt-4 relative z-20 text-sm"> Ensuring your account is properly secured helps protect your personal information and data. </p> </CardSpotlight> ); } const Step = ({ title }: { title: string }) => { return ( <li className="flex gap-2 items-start"> <CheckIcon /> <p className="text-white">{title}</p> </li> ); }; const CheckIcon = () => { return ( <svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" className="h-4 w-4 text-blue-500 mt-1 flex-shrink-0" > <path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none" /> <path d="M12 2c-.218 0 -.432 .002 -.642 .005l-.616 .017l-.299 .013l-.579 .034l-.553 .046c-4.785 .464 -6.732 2.411 -7.196 7.196l-.046 .553l-.034 .579c-.005 .098 -.01 .198 -.013 .299l-.017 .616l-.004 .318l-.001 .324c0 .218 .002 .432 .005 .642l.017 .616l.013 .299l.034 .579l.046 .553c.464 4.785 2.411 6.732 7.196 7.196l.553 .046l.579 .034c.098 .005 .198 .01 .299 .013l.616 .017l.642 .005l.642 -.005l.616 -.017l.299 -.013l.579 -.034l.553 -.046c4.785 -.464 6.732 -2.411 7.196 -7.196l.046 -.553l.034 -.579c.005 -.098 .01 -.198 .013 -.299l.017 -.616l.005 -.642l-.005 -.642l-.017 -.616l-.013 -.299l-.034 -.579l-.046 -.553c-.464 -4.785 -2.411 -6.732 -7.196 -7.196l-.553 -.046l-.579 -.034a28.058 28.058 0 0 0 -.299 -.013l-.616 -.017l-.318 -.004l-.324 -.001zm2.293 7.293a1 1 0 0 1 1.497 1.32l-.083 .094l-4 4a1 1 0 0 1 -1.32 .083l-.094 -.083l-2 -2a1 1 0 0 1 1.32 -1.497l.094 .083l1.293 1.292l3.293 -3.292z" fill="currentColor" strokeWidth="0" /> </svg> ); };