Install component
"use client"; import { CardStack } from "@/components/ui/card-stack"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; export function CardStackDemo() { return ( <div className="h-[40rem] flex items-center justify-center w-full"> <CardStack items={CARDS} /> </div> ); } // Small utility to highlight the content of specific section of a testimonial content export const Highlight = ({ children, className, }: { children: React.ReactNode; className?: string; }) => { return ( <span className={cn( "font-bold bg-emerald-100 text-emerald-700 dark:bg-emerald-700/[0.2] dark:text-emerald-500 px-1 py-0.5", className )} > {children} </span> ); }; const CARDS = [ { id: 0, name: "Manu Arora", designation: "Senior Software Engineer", content: ( <p> These cards are amazing, <Highlight>I want to use them</Highlight> in my project. Framer motion is a godsend ngl tbh fam 🙏 </p> ), }, { id: 1, name: "Elon Musk", designation: "Senior Shitposter", content: ( <p> I dont like this Twitter thing,{" "} <Highlight>deleting it right away</Highlight> because yolo. Instead, I would like to call it <Highlight></Highlight> so that it can easily be confused with adult sites. </p> ), }, { id: 2, name: "Tyler Durden", designation: "Manager Project Mayhem", content: ( <p> The first rule of <Highlight>Fight Club</Highlight> is that you do not talk about fight club. The second rule of <Highlight>Fight club</Highlight> is that you DO NOT TALK about fight club. </p> ), }, ];