Install component
import React from "react"; import { EvervaultCard, Icon } from "@/components/ui/evervault-card"; export function EvervaultCardDemo() { return ( <div className="border border-black/[0.2] dark:border-white/[0.2] flex flex-col items-start max-w-sm mx-auto p-4 relative h-[30rem]"> <Icon className="absolute h-6 w-6 -top-3 -left-3 dark:text-white text-black" /> <Icon className="absolute h-6 w-6 -bottom-3 -left-3 dark:text-white text-black" /> <Icon className="absolute h-6 w-6 -top-3 -right-3 dark:text-white text-black" /> <Icon className="absolute h-6 w-6 -bottom-3 -right-3 dark:text-white text-black" /> <EvervaultCard text="hover" /> <h2 className="dark:text-white text-black mt-4 text-sm font-light"> Hover over this card to reveal an awesome effect. Running out of copy here. </h2> <p className="text-sm border font-light dark:border-white/[0.2] border-black/[0.2] rounded-full mt-4 text-black dark:text-white px-2 py-0.5"> Watch me hover </p> </div> ); }