Install component
"use client"; import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react"; import { LayoutGrid } from "@/components/ui/layout-grid"; export function LayoutGridDemo() { return ( <div className="h-screen py-20 w-full"> <LayoutGrid cards={cards} /> </div> ); } const SkeletonOne = () => { return ( <div> <p className="font-bold md:text-4xl text-xl text-white"> House in the woods </p> <p className="font-normal text-base text-white"></p> <p className="font-normal text-base my-4 max-w-lg text-neutral-200"> A serene and tranquil retreat, this house in the woods offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. </p> </div> ); }; const SkeletonTwo = () => { return ( <div> <p className="font-bold md:text-4xl text-xl text-white"> House above the clouds </p> <p className="font-normal text-base text-white"></p> <p className="font-normal text-base my-4 max-w-lg text-neutral-200"> Perched high above the world, this house offers breathtaking views and a unique living experience. It's a place where the sky meets home, and tranquility is a way of life. </p> </div> ); }; const SkeletonThree = () => { return ( <div> <p className="font-bold md:text-4xl text-xl text-white"> Greens all over </p> <p className="font-normal text-base text-white"></p> <p className="font-normal text-base my-4 max-w-lg text-neutral-200"> A house surrounded by greenery and nature's beauty. It's the perfect place to relax, unwind, and enjoy life. </p> </div> ); }; const SkeletonFour = () => { return ( <div> <p className="font-bold md:text-4xl text-xl text-white"> Rivers are serene </p> <p className="font-normal text-base text-white"></p> <p className="font-normal text-base my-4 max-w-lg text-neutral-200"> A house by the river is a place of peace and tranquility. It's the perfect place to relax, unwind, and enjoy life. </p> </div> ); }; const cards = [ { id: 1, content: <SkeletonOne />, className: "md:col-span-2", thumbnail: "", }, { id: 2, content: <SkeletonTwo />, className: "col-span-1", thumbnail: "", }, { id: 3, content: <SkeletonThree />, className: "col-span-1", thumbnail: "", }, { id: 4, content: <SkeletonFour />, className: "md:col-span-2", thumbnail: "", }, ];