Install component
"use client"; import { PlaceholdersAndVanishInput } from "@/components/ui/placeholders-and-vanish-input"; export function PlaceholdersAndVanishInputDemo() { const placeholders = [ "What's the first rule of Fight Club?", "Who is Tyler Durden?", "Where is Andrew Laeddis Hiding?", "Write a Javascript method to reverse a string", "How to assemble your own PC?", ]; const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { console.log(; }; const onSubmit = (e: React.FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => { e.preventDefault(); console.log("submitted"); }; return ( <div className="h-[40rem] flex flex-col justify-center items-center px-4"> <h2 className="mb-10 sm:mb-20 text-xl text-center sm:text-5xl dark:text-white text-black"> Ask Aceternity UI Anything </h2> <PlaceholdersAndVanishInput placeholders={placeholders} onChange={handleChange} onSubmit={onSubmit} /> </div> ); }