Install component
import React from "react"; import { cn } from "@/lib/utils"; import { Spotlight } from "@/components/ui/spotlight"; export function SpotlightPreview() { return ( <div className="h-[40rem] w-full rounded-md flex md:items-center md:justify-center bg-black/[0.96] antialiased bg-grid-white/[0.02] relative overflow-hidden"> <Spotlight className="-top-40 left-0 md:left-60 md:-top-20" fill="white" /> <div className=" p-4 max-w-7xl mx-auto relative z-10 w-full pt-20 md:pt-0"> <h1 className="text-4xl md:text-7xl font-bold text-center bg-clip-text text-transparent bg-gradient-to-b from-neutral-50 to-neutral-400 bg-opacity-50"> Spotlight <br /> is the new trend. </h1> <p className="mt-4 font-normal text-base text-neutral-300 max-w-lg text-center mx-auto"> Spotlight effect is a great way to draw attention to a specific part of the page. Here, we are drawing the attention towards the text section of the page. I don't know why but I'm running out of copy. </p> </div> </div> ); }