Install component
"use client"; import { WorldMap } from "@/components/ui/world-map"; import { motion } from "framer-motion"; export function WorldMapDemo() { return ( <div className=" py-40 dark:bg-black bg-white w-full"> <div className="max-w-7xl mx-auto text-center"> <p className="font-bold text-xl md:text-4xl dark:text-white text-black"> Remote{" "} <span className="text-neutral-400"> {"Connectivity".split("").map((word, idx) => ( <motion.span key={idx} className="inline-block" initial={{ x: -10, opacity: 0 }} animate={{ x: 0, opacity: 1 }} transition={{ duration: 0.5, delay: idx * 0.04 }} > {word} </motion.span> ))} </span> </p> <p className="text-sm md:text-lg text-neutral-500 max-w-2xl mx-auto py-4"> Break free from traditional boundaries. Work from anywhere, at the comfort of your own studio apartment. Perfect for Nomads and Travellers. </p> </div> <WorldMap dots={[ { start: { lat: 64.2008, lng: -149.4937, }, // Alaska (Fairbanks) end: { lat: 34.0522, lng: -118.2437, }, // Los Angeles }, { start: { lat: 64.2008, lng: -149.4937 }, // Alaska (Fairbanks) end: { lat: -15.7975, lng: -47.8919 }, // Brazil (Brasília) }, { start: { lat: -15.7975, lng: -47.8919 }, // Brazil (Brasília) end: { lat: 38.7223, lng: -9.1393 }, // Lisbon }, { start: { lat: 51.5074, lng: -0.1278 }, // London end: { lat: 28.6139, lng: 77.209 }, // New Delhi }, { start: { lat: 28.6139, lng: 77.209 }, // New Delhi end: { lat: 43.1332, lng: 131.9113 }, // Vladivostok }, { start: { lat: 28.6139, lng: 77.209 }, // New Delhi end: { lat: -1.2921, lng: 36.8219 }, // Nairobi }, ]} /> </div> ); }