Install component
import { BellIcon, CalendarIcon, FileTextIcon, GlobeIcon, InputIcon, } from "@radix-ui/react-icons"; import { BentoCard, BentoGrid } from "@/components/ui/bento-grid"; const features = [ { Icon: FileTextIcon, name: "Save your files", description: "We automatically save your files as you type.", href: "/", cta: "Learn more", background: <img className="absolute -right-20 -top-20 opacity-60" />, className: "lg:row-start-1 lg:row-end-4 lg:col-start-2 lg:col-end-3", }, { Icon: InputIcon, name: "Full text search", description: "Search through all your files in one place.", href: "/", cta: "Learn more", background: <img className="absolute -right-20 -top-20 opacity-60" />, className: "lg:col-start-1 lg:col-end-2 lg:row-start-1 lg:row-end-3", }, { Icon: GlobeIcon, name: "Multilingual", description: "Supports 100+ languages and counting.", href: "/", cta: "Learn more", background: <img className="absolute -right-20 -top-20 opacity-60" />, className: "lg:col-start-1 lg:col-end-2 lg:row-start-3 lg:row-end-4", }, { Icon: CalendarIcon, name: "Calendar", description: "Use the calendar to filter your files by date.", href: "/", cta: "Learn more", background: <img className="absolute -right-20 -top-20 opacity-60" />, className: "lg:col-start-3 lg:col-end-3 lg:row-start-1 lg:row-end-2", }, { Icon: BellIcon, name: "Notifications", description: "Get notified when someone shares a file or mentions you in a comment.", href: "/", cta: "Learn more", background: <img className="absolute -right-20 -top-20 opacity-60" />, className: "lg:col-start-3 lg:col-end-3 lg:row-start-2 lg:row-end-4", }, ]; export function BentoDemo() { return ( <BentoGrid className="lg:grid-rows-3"> { => ( <BentoCard key={} {...feature} /> ))} </BentoGrid> ); }