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"use client"; import { useState } from "react"; import { motion } from "framer-motion"; import { Disclosure, DisclosureContent, DisclosureTrigger, } from "@/components/ui/disclosure"; function DisclosureBasic() { return ( <Disclosure className="w-[330px] rounded-md border border-zinc-200 px-3 dark:border-zinc-700"> <DisclosureTrigger> <button className="w-full py-2 text-left text-sm" type="button"> Show more </button> </DisclosureTrigger> <DisclosureContent> <div className="overflow-hidden pb-3"> <div className="pt-1 font-mono text-sm"> <p> This example demonstrates how you can use{" "} <strong className="font-bold">Disclosure</strong> component. </p> <pre className="mt-2 rounded-md bg-zinc-100 p-2 text-xs dark:bg-zinc-950"> {`function DisclosureBasic() {\n return (\n <Disclosure>\n <DisclosureTrigger>\n <button type='button'>\n Show more\n </button>\n </DisclosureTrigger>\n <DisclosureContent>\n <div>hey</div>\n </DisclosureContent>\n </Disclosure>\n );`} </pre> </div> </div> </DisclosureContent> </Disclosure> ); } function DisclosureCard() { const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false); const imageVariants = { collapsed: { scale: 1, filter: "blur(0px)" }, expanded: { scale: 1.1, filter: "blur(3px)" }, }; const contentVariants = { collapsed: { opacity: 0, y: 0 }, expanded: { opacity: 1, y: 0 }, }; const transition = { type: "spring", stiffness: 26.7, damping: 4.1, mass: 0.2, }; return ( <div className="relative h-[350px] w-[290px] overflow-hidden rounded-xl"> <div onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)}> <motion.img src="" alt="Les others studio - Que la montagne est belle ⛰" className="pointer-events-none h-auto w-full select-none" animate={isOpen ? "expanded" : "collapsed"} variants={imageVariants} transition={transition} /> </div> <Disclosure onOpenChange={setIsOpen} open={isOpen} className="absolute bottom-0 left-0 right-0 rounded-xl bg-zinc-900 px-4 pt-2 dark:bg-zinc-50" variants={contentVariants} transition={transition} > <DisclosureTrigger> <button className="w-full pb-2 text-left text-[14px] font-medium text-white dark:text-zinc-900" type="button" onClick={() => setIsOpen(!isOpen)} > </button> </DisclosureTrigger> <DisclosureContent> <div className="flex flex-col pb-4 text-[13px] text-zinc-300 dark:text-zinc-700"> <p>How beautiful the mountain is 🗻</p> <p className="line-clamp-3"> The “This is trail running” campaign highlights the new trail collection from <strong className="font-medium">@salomon</strong>, trying to touch the (strong) sensations experienced by runners. With each model, its natural environment. To capture the Pulsar Trail Pro 2 in real conditions, we chose to take the athletes trudging in the French Alps, at 2,000 meters altitude. </p> <button className="mt-3 w-full rounded-[4px] border border-zinc-700 bg-zinc-900 px-4 py-1 text-zinc-50 transition-colors duration-300 hover:bg-zinc-800" type="button" > Learn More </button> </div> </DisclosureContent> </Disclosure> </div> ); } export { DisclosureBasic, DisclosureCard };